Buy a Business or Grow a Business in 2021? Freedom Factory Discusses the Options

Buy a Business or Grow a Business in 2021? Freedom Factory Discusses the Options

Entrepreneurs often seek new challenges and sometimes take on more than they are capable. In this podcast from Tyler Tysdal’s Freedom Factory, his business partner Robert Hirsch discusses the options entrepreneurs have based on how their own strengths factor into the decision.

Tyler Tysdal’s Podcasts

Should You Buy a Business or Grow a Business? Subscribe to the podcast

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About Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory has experienced and witnessed the explosive results of entrepreneurs aligning passion and purpose to create extraordinary value. However, most entrepreneurs have no idea how to maximize the value of their business and move on to the next chapter of their lives. That’s where Tyler Tysdal and Freedom Factory can help.

Freedom Factory® has radically disrupted the way high-growth, lifestyle companies are bought and sold, which historically was a horribly inefficient market. When Robert Hirsch sold his first company in the 1990s, he went to several investment banks and sold his business to one of less than five companies they called. Looking back, he saw exactly how much money he left on the table and knew that there had to be a better way. The bottom line is that entrepreneurs don’t speak banker, and bankers sure don’t speak entrepreneur.

tyler tysdal logoContact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

We featured Freedom Factory and Tyler Tysdal in a September news article here.

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Buy a Business or Grow a Business in 2021? Freedom Factory Discusses the Options


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