The Best Solution to Stopping Qanon
The Best Solution to Stopping Qanon The spread of Qanon has been unstoppable and the media is worried they might soon lose their jobs if they don’t start asking real questions and reporting facts. Journalism isn’t what it used to be. Reporters dug in and looked at both sides of a story gathering all the information they could to report on it. Today the news is a tightly controlled narrative. According to TriCityDaily , Twitter failed to stop Qanon. Jack Dorsey did manage to stir a hornets nest though because the 7000 anons that were suspended are showing up on all other digital platforms. And why shouldn’t they? Below is my Tweet of the news article from Tricitydaily. If it is blank that means my profile was suspended for posting it. Full push on censorship occurring now. The article makes a very simple point. If they want to prove once and for all that Qanon is a “baseless conspiracy theory”, ask President Trump himself. He is the only person in the world that can confirm. Are we...